Meg Kilpatrick

Meg Kilpatrick

Moderator - GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

Meg Kilpatrick is a registered Professional Engineer and a Principal Environmental Engineer with GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. She has over 25 years of experience in environmental engineering and consulting, specializing in site investigation and remediation. She has extensive experience managing projects under RIDEM’s Remediation Regulations and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), including Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) sites. Ms. Kilpatrick’s experience includes working for industrial and commercial clients on projects involving extensive public involvement and coordination with regulators and multiple stakeholders. Her background includes developing and implementing site investigation programs, conducting feasibility analyses and cost estimates of remedial alternatives, designing soil and groundwater treatment systems, and remediation and construction oversight/ management, as well as state and local environmental permit preparation and compliance monitoring concerning remedial alternatives. She holds a BS in Environmental Engineering from RPI and a MS in Chemical Oceanography from GSO-URI.