Ben Clement

Ben Clement

Burns & McDonnell

Benjamin Clement, Sr. is an associate geologist and section manager for Burns & McDonnell’s office, where he’s been employed since 2007. He holds a Bachelors of Geology from DePauw University (2007) and Masters of Environmental Science in Hydrology and Water Security from the Oklahoma University Gallogly School of Civil Engineering (2020). Ben has experience in characterization and remediation of multi-media (soil/groundwater/vapor intrusion) contaminated Sites in 13 states ranging from the West Coast, Great Plains, Midwest, and Southeastern United States. Ben’s specialties including high resolution site characterization, hydrogeologic evaluations, remedial alternatives evaluations, cost estimating, remedy planning, design, and implementation with foci on remediation geology and evaluating hydrogeologic conditions.

Mass Flux Based Approach Guides Decision Making for Combined In-Situ Treatment Remedy to Address DNAPL at a Multi-Parcel Former MGP Site

Presentation Hall
Session 4-Innovative Remediation Case Studies