John Ripp

John Ripp

GEI Consultants, Inc.

John Ripp is a Vice President  of GEI Consultants Inc., a 1000 person environmental, geotechnical and water resource engineering firm based in Boston Massachusetts. Mr. Ripp has worked in the environmental consulting field since 1973 and was a founding owner of Atlantic Environmental Services, Inc., a consulting firm that specialized in the investigation and remediation of former manufactured gas plant sites.  GEI acquired Atlantic Environmental in 1997 to expand their engineering services to the U.S. gas and electric utilities.

As either project manager or program manager, Mr. Ripp has managed dozens of programs dealing with remedial investigation and cleanup of former MGP sites in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Illinois, and Delaware. He was principal investigator on national MGP research programs that Atlantic and GEI had with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Gas Research Institute (GRI). He was a contributing author to the GRI manual, Management of Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites. In 1995 he produced an industry-sponsored video documentary on the history of the American MGP experience, titled Never Let the Lights Go Out. He is a recognized national expert with regard to the management of former MGP sites. He  has authored many environmental study reports in the areas of fly ash disposal, assessment of organic contaminants, MGP treatment technologies, and MGP histories.

Since 1995, Mr. Ripp has collaborated with his colleagues in the sponsorship and organization of a series of international MGP symposia. These include conferences in Europe, Connecticut, Providence, Philadelphia and Chicago. He has also been a major contributor and keynote speaker at EPRI MGP Symposia held in Atlanta, New Orleans; San Antonio,and Savannah.

Currently Mr. Ripp is enjoying semi-retirement living on Lake George. New York with his beloved wife Judy.