Bob Wyatt

Bob Wyatt

NW Natural

Bob Wyatt is the Director of the Legacy Environmental Program at NW Natural. He has 30 years of experience managing complex environmental liabilities, including EPA sediment Superfund Megasites, and has degrees in Geology, and Environmental Science and Land Resources.  He started his career in the mid-1980s as an environmental consultant working on Superfund, RCRA, landfill and petroleum sites in New Jersey and surrounding states. In the late 1980s, he moved to North Carolina to become Vice President of a consulting firm, where he was principal in charge of projects nationwide.  He moved to Oregon in 2000 where he began his utility career at NW Natural managing legacy MGP site liabilities.  For seventeen years, Bob was also the designated Project Coordinator on the EPA Order for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site.

Bob is the lead negotiator at high profile environmental projects with federal, tribal, and local government oversight and public stakeholder involvement, and has extensive communications experience with the media, congressional delegates, and community groups.  He spent more than 15 years as chair of a multiparty PRP group consisting of governmental, public utility, petroleum and industrial organizations.  He also provides support for litigation and public utility rate cases.  Bob enjoys mediating complex technical issues, working collaboratively with stakeholders, and the process of building consensus.