Jay Peters

Jay Peters

Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

Jay Peters is a human health risk assessor who specializes in developing risk-based closure strategies for commercial and industrial clients as well as legal professionals. With 30 years of experience as a risk assessor, he has successfully managed large and complex risk assessment projects for state and federal Superfund and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act sites, as well as brownfield redevelopment and property transfer sites under the regulatory frameworks of more than twenty state cleanup programs and seven Environmental Protection Agency regions.  He is the practice leader for risk assessment at Haley & Aldrich, Inc. and holds a BS in Toxicology from Northeastern University and an MS in Environmental Health from Tufts University.

Use of PAH Compositional Analysis to Resolve Confounding Factors in Predictive and Empirical Sediment Toxicity

Session 1-Innovative Site Characterization Techniques